OMG, ya'll!
The first Gallery Jacket! Is it vain if I say that I think it's freaking adorable? Julie is right, you can style it a million was difficult to pick one way to show it in the catalog to be honest.
I haven't been the best blogger lately...I've been consumed with school stuff but somehow, after chatting with Lisa Shroyer at Stitches East, I thought it'd be a good idea to submit a few designs to Knitscene. I was all flattered and big headed for a few minutes but then I saw that it was more of an open call...heh...oh well, it was wicked fun to play designer for a week, it was just like playing with Fashion Plates! I suck at sketching so I did a little collage work. I'm in love with some of the swatches, here is a peek:

Speaking of secret designs, I can reveal the secret from an old post. Norah Gaughan designed a pattern, Lotus that was knit to fit my exact measurements (acoustic guitar-like: long neck, long torso, flared bottom/hip region, also monkey arms)! It was knit in Jasper, velvety soft Jasper in a deep wine red colorway that had stripes of charcoal of beige. I love it!!
What else...I'm knitting some simple winter accessories, the cold has finally arrived and they're very much needed, I play the same game the Harlot mentions here. The most exciting is the shawl I've started with Jenna's handspun:

I'm calling this the Girl Power shawl because Spunky Eclectic dyed the fiber, Jenna spun the yarn and I'm knitting it up, using a Spunky Eclectic pattern. The cirrrrrrrcle of yaarrrrn...
Poor Jenna was at my house for the final Red Sox World Series game...she is a Yankees fan and...we...may have bickered. The lovable underdog days are officially over, so I was kind of at a disadvantage, but I refuse to believe that Yankee fans outnumber the citizenry of Red Sox nation, which is much larger than just Massachusetts! Jenna ate some of my overcooked and bitter broccoli rabe and I felt slightly vindicated.
This song is currently stuck in my head and I don't mind at all...
Labels: design, gallery jacket, handspun, modeling, red sox, shawl, the office, WIP
That is a very nice Gallery must be glowing! I'm getting my knitscene submissions together too...good luck!!
I love the Girl Power Shawl, it's a great idea. And it's really pretty!
Beautiful gallery jacket, love your pics from the WEBS winter catalog and your shawl is breath taking! of my favorite toys. My mom still has my set, and my girls play with it when they visit.
What a beautiful gallery jacket! I like the different ways she wears it in her post.
I see you too are a fan of "limitless paper in a paperless world."
I loved that song, too, and I was so mad when Michael said he hated it.
How fun is that to see your pattern knit up! It looks fantastic on her too. She's right - it's quite versatile.
Nora Gaughan designed a pattern to your measurements? That's exciting - did you get to keep the wrap?
Hey that song reminds me of "People, people, paper, paper. Paper, paper, people, people. People, people, pencil, pencil. Pencil, pencil, paper, paper. Put the pencil to the paper. Give the paper to the people. Let the people read about the sello tape oh baby baby yeahhhhhh!"
The Office song is good too. I have to catch up on this season - I have only seen ep.1 & 2
You have a musical post today - the circle of yarn! :-)
The lotus cardigan looks fabulous on you. I can't wait to see more of the girl power shawl.
I love the first Gallery Jacket. I HAVE to knit one now! And I can't wait to see what you've sketched up for Knitscene...
I am a beginner knitter and only on my second scarf and a pair of cable wrist warmers but I am dying to dive into a sweater. I think you Gallery Jacket may be the one! Your stuff is awesome.
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