Going, going, gone!
To Washington D.C. to visit my mother (sorry, no links), half-sister, Knit Happens, the National Zoo and the National Textile Museum! Yay!
See you on the flip side,
Knitting has long been considered antiquated, something for grandmas and whipped little housewives. That just isn't true. Knitting is one of those minute to learn, lifetime to master deals, and I'm in it for the long haul.
To Washington D.C. to visit my mother (sorry, no links), half-sister, Knit Happens, the National Zoo and the National Textile Museum! Yay!
I sustained a blocking injury! This is going to sound sick, but I get a kick out of knitting injuries. Not the real kind like carpal tunnel syndrome or repetative stress injury but little mishaps like these. I was once knitting with size 00 needles and one of the shiny metal suckers dropped out of the knitting and having cat-like reflexes, I grabbed for it. The thing went straight into the fleshy bottom part of my middle finger and horrified the friends I was talking to. It was an Inox (now Prym) by the way, and even though they drew blood from me, I still love them for their pointy tips.
By Debbie Bliss' Firey Bolero in last summer's Interweave Knits.
...which was just Sunday. But what a Sunday it was! Eric is constantly making fun of what he calls the "domestication of Ms. Cirilia Rose", but I have plenty to tease him about too. For instance, he finished staining the bookcase he made me:
Was pulled into a meeting today with yarn reps to offer opinions. That's happened a number of times since I've been at Webs and it's always quietly exciting. Today was especially so because I got to discuss the merits and pitfalls of Lycra fortified yarns with Norah Gaughan herself! She was very sweet and dressed the way she designs, simultaneously casual and sharp.